Wednesday, May 8, 2024
HomeMollywoodJustice for Asifa: Prithviraj shares his angst and anger

Justice for Asifa: Prithviraj shares his angst and anger

The whole nation is reeling under a state of contempt and is raging against the incident of raping an 8 year old girl Asifa. Barring a few fanatics, the whole nation is standing with the massive protest formed across the wide nation. Like the aftermath of any other incident, the social media corners are filled with furious comments – raising death penalty for the culprits involved in this heinous act. Celebrities too have come sharing their emotions through social media platforms. Amongst the celebrity protests from Mollywood, the ones from Jayasurya and Parvathy gained maximum attention. And now, we have Prithviraj taking the social media corners, sharing his emotions over the ‘Asifa incident’.

The actor started off the facebook post by mentioning the several requests he had received for issuing a facebook post over the ‘Asifa incident’. However, the actor decided approaching the issue in a different way. Rather than making the oft – quoted pitiful comments, Prithviraj questioned the use of making such statements. He went onto comment several issues associated with the incident. Right from very incident of raping and killing an innocent 8 year girl, to contemplating, to communalizing, to politicizing! While sharing his fear and shame, he underlined that he too was a father to a baby girl. He also shared the concern of his wife Supriya over the recurrence of such incidents.

However, the most striking point, which Prithviraj shared, deserves to be specially mentioned. He said that he has started scaring his mind, which might get used to the sense of shame over the incidents of rape. He concluded the facebook post by stating that every Indian feels shame on this. The actor though hasn’t gone onto blame the govt. or the political ideologies associated with the act, however has made a definite peek into the ever growing state of insecurity of weaker sections of the society feels in India.

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