
Lucifer: Kerala Police move to CM

Under the direction of Prithviraj, Lucifer is going from strength to strength, and here comes a news report, that goes against the wishes of the fans of the movie. Kerala Police has found the movie, tarnishing the image of the force. The Kerala Police association has found the image of a person kicking a policeman, highly condemnable. While commenting on the ad poster of the movie, which featured Mohanlal and John Vijay, who appeared in a police avatar, the Kerala police association maintained that such scenes give negative messages to the society.

Kerala Police association has already filed a complaint before CM, DGP and censor board. If no action was taken against the circulation of the image, the association has warned that police family would go onto boycott the movie. It has to be seen, how the makers are going to act according to the complaint, considering that the scene had already gone onto become iconic.


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