Tamil Gallery

Mamankam controversy: Director Sajin Babu wields support to Sajeev Pillai

‘Mamankam’ controversy seems to be not going to have an end. It was in recent times that we heard about changing director Sajeev Pillai from the project and replacing with M Padmakumar. For Sajeev Pillai, it was turning out to be a complete helpless situation, as even FEFKA has backed off from the issue. Well, young director Sajin Babu has come forward wielding helping hands for Sajeev Pillai. Stating that, Sajeev Pillai was an able director, Sajin Babu was of the opinion that, people shouldn’t have overlooked the potential of him.

While making his statement clear, Sajin Babu shared an incident from his life, wherein he had met Sajeev Pillai. Adding that during his school days, he had visited the set of Adoor Gopalakrishnan directorial ‘Nizhalkoothu’, in which Sajeev Pillai was working as an associate director. Maintaining that he had a great time with Sajeev Pillai and was wonderstruck by his knowledge, Sajin Babu’s social media post has managed to get much an attention from round the corners.


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