
Mohanlal never said ‘Yes’ to Randamoozham…!

Randamoozham is probably one such a Mollywood project, which the entire nation wanted to happen. Ever since the days of announcement, the project has gone onto ensure a place amongst the most expensive projects of Indian cinema. However, unfortunate, the project ran into troubles, as script writer MT Vasudevan Nair field a case against director VA Shrikumar Menon. However, in an interesting revelation, superstar Mohanlal has now come up with a shocking statement, that he had never said ‘yes’ to the project.

However, this is contrary to the popular reports, which had the star occupying the pole position, from the days of announcement. While speaking to media during the promotional event of his upcoming project Lucifer, Mohanlal however maintained that he had no knowledge about the progress of the idea of the project, which was conceived by VA Shrikumar Menon. Announced even before Odiyan, the odds are now against this VA Shrikumar Menon project, which boasted a great production value.


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